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The continuing success of the treatment for childhood cancer is an important medical achievement. It has however become increasingly evident that some survivors may pay a considerable price for their cure.

Late effects after childhood cancer often have a gradual and subtle presentation that may involve any organ system of the body. The follow-up will often require cooperation betweenseveral different medical specialities.

The European Symposium on Late Complications after Childhood Cancer in Lund, ESLCCC2007, is the first major European meeting to focus on several different aspects of this important and developing clinical area.

The meeting is organized from the Department of Paediatrics at the University Hospital, which has a long tradition in the follow-up of late effects after childhood cancer. Professor Stanislaw Garwicz has pioneered research in this field and this Symposium is held in his honour on his retirement from the Division of Paediatric Oncology at the University Hospital in Lund.

2007 Lund