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From July 7-9 the first 'International Symposium on Late Complications after Childhood Cancer' was convened at the Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology in Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Almost 250 participants from 26 countries were offered an impressive program. The ISLCCC 2022 program could be followed both in the auditorium at the Máxima Center and online via a (brand new) advanced platform. The congress had three parts: a sub-meeting focused on the guidelines for long-term follow-up care for survivors, an educational morning on fertility after childhood cancer, and the ISLCCC meeting focused on recent research results in the field of late effects after treatment of childhood cancer.
Nine new guidelines
During the sub-meeting, an update of nine new IGHG guidelines was presented by International Guideline Harmonization Group (www.ighg.org). With 400 volunteers, the IGHG group already published 21 guidelines for survivor care in major international journals. From one of the new guidelines follows the important conclusion that survivors of childhood cancer are at high risk of colorectal cancer if they have received abdominal radiation and that screening is needed for this group. Renée Mulder, guideline epidemiologist at the Máxima Center: 'A big driver behind this success is that our Systematic Review and Guideline Unit optimally supports international experts in the process.'
During the educational session, Marianne van de Wetering, pediatric oncologist, gave an overview of the guidelines for early treatments needed to ensure fertility later in life. Astrid Ahler, sexologist from Basel, emphasized how important a positive body image is for a good quality of life for survivors. It became completely silent in the room at her rapt portrayal of important aspects of life.
Keynote lectures
During the ISLCCC meeting, eight international speakers presented an overview of the state of the art in keynote lectures and 26 young researchers presented their results. The international expert Kirsten Ness from Memphis took us through the great importance of lifestyle and exercise studies and Martha Grootenhuis indicated the importance of interventions for better psychosocial health in survivors of childhood cancer.
Leontien Kremer: ‘We’re looking back on an impressive congress that led to new collaborations. We are proud of what we were able to organize in and with the Máxima Center. The many volunteers and the Academy of the Máxima Center played a crucial role in this. The next ISLCCC is in June 2023 in Atlanta, USA.'